his name is Xu Zhiyong, a legal scholar and activist, was detained on charges of "disturbing public order"
This man just wants to help the people of China get a better life. He believes that "The light of freedom, fairness, justice and love will eventually fill China." But this group is starting to cause problem for the party which is why the party is now starting to crack down. Beijing responded with force, detaining or arresting dozens of activists, like Xu Zhiyong, in order to send a message that "organised advocating for change is not acceptable."
What do you think the people of China think of these groups? Are helping or just causing problems?
Dr. Xu definitely feels he is helping hi country.It says from the article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/10759457/Chinese-activist-group-warns-Communist-Party-We-cannot-be-stopped.html that Dr Xu believes "This ridiculous judgment cannot hold back the tide of human progress. The dark clouds of the Communist dictatorship will one day clear." and that the "[This] repression will not end the New Citizens' Movement, This is the road to a free China. It is the road to a better China. We are duty bound to forge ahead."
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