Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Art Moves China Forward

The article talks about new contemporary artists and mainly the Central Academy of Art located in Beijing. While in the 80s most art was censored and had hidden connotations criticizing the government, most art of today has changed to be more about the artist's personal life rather than politics. When sexual poses of a man and woman used to be forbidden, the paintings are now being sold for thousands of dollars. Some art investors are showing up on campus to find the next hit artist. Pressure is increasing on the students as they are no longer looking at art as a lifestyle but a job.

The art styles are now comparing to that of the US and Europe, which can only mean that China has grown more westernized, especially since art drives the social culture in every society. However, despite this there are still some censors on the art, mostly in depicting the CCP in a negative way. While China has made tremendous steps in becoming more western, it can be seen that there is still a clear post-communist role being taken into consideration, the artists are still significantly freer than they were 20 years ago. With freer art it can be seen that soon less censor will be put up through the internet and other sources of media. Eventually it is possible that sooner rather than later the art can show a new China more apt to fully embrace western culture.

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