Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lost Malaysian Plane: A Bigger Deal for China

In this video, CNN does an interview with an English-Speaking Chinese News station (CCTV)

Correspondent, and they have a correspondent who has been on a search ship for over a month covering

the search. In China, the story is a much bigger deal, due to the 150 Chinese passengers (approximately

half) and the fact that the plane was headed towards China. The reporters also, talked about how the US

was not showing the Chinese side of the story, even though it's an event where China is a major player. In a

Social lens, we see how the Chinese are not only concerned for their citizens, but also that they do not wish

to be left out of stories that involve their perspective. It's nice to see the concern the Chinese government

shows for the 150 civilians that have gone missing along with the plane.

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